Monday, April 26, 2021

Reflection - 5th Sunday of Easter Season - Jesus as the vine and we as the branches - John 15:1-8

Lord, we pray that we would grow with you

Like new shoots reaching toward the sky,

Like hands stretched upward,

Like leaves newly formed on the vine,

Soaking up your light and your warmth.  

Lord, we pray that we would grow with you

In the sunshine and the rain,

In the darkness and the light,

In cold winter days and humid summer days,

In the fresh springtime and the autumn chill. 

Lord, we pray that we would grow with you

In order to bring forth fruit,

That is plentiful and pleasing to you, 

That is fed by your spring of living water,

That will give sustenance to others. 

Lord, we pray that we would grow with you

As you are the vine and we are the branches, 

As we are intrinsically connected to you as your disciples, 

As we are nourished by your body and blood, 

As we reach out to others in lives of service.  

Lord, we pray that we would grow with you, 

In joyful times and difficult times, 

In our struggles and our celebrations, 

In times of comfort and times of desolation, 

This day and all the days to come.  

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  AMEN. 

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