Tuesday, April 20, 2021

prayers of the faithful - 3rd week of EASTER - 21 April 2021

Lord Jesus - you bring us faith. 

Christ Jesus - you bring us love. 

Lord Jesus - you bring us hope. 

We present our prayers to our heavenly Father:
1. For the gift of faith: that God will depend more fully on God in every aspect of our lives and grow in our confidence that God who will never abandon us.
2. For all who are broken and wounded: that they may find healing in Christ and that God will help us recognize them as our brothers and sisters through the wounded Christ.
3. For all who feel bound by their past: that God will heal and free them so that they may live life fully.
4. For our government leaders: that the Lord may give them wisdom and strength in the difficult decisions they have to make.
5. For healing in our society: that God will help us to recognize the dignity of each person and work to heal the wounds and divisions that exist.
6. For a spirit of stewardship: that we may make wise use of the resources of the earth and protect the soil, air, and water for future generations.
7. For the sick and shut-ins and the response of the souls of the faithful departed.  
We present these prayers through your son Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever.

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