Friday, April 23, 2021

Prayers of the faithful - third week in Easter - 23 April 2020

 Lord Jesus - you bring us your Father’s love - Lord have mercy. 

Christ Jesus - you gather your flock with joy - Christ have mercy. 
Lord Jesus - you give yourself to heal us and bring us strength - Lord have mercy. 
Priest:  We make our prayers known to our loving God this morning with hope.
1. For all who follow Christ, that their faith in the resurrection of Jesus may deepen. 
2. For missionaries and for all believers, that we may all spread the Good News of Jesus, and that the joy of Easter may fill all of us with fresh zeal.  
3. For people who suffer, in mind, body or spirit, that they may experience divine healing and new strength.  
4. For our children, youth and families.  We pray especially for our children preparing for first holy communion.  May the Lord accompany all of them on their journey.  
5. For those who have died recently, that God’s light may shine on them perpetually.
6. For the prayers we hold in our hearts.  
Priest: O God our salvation, your glory shines throughout the world to bring joy to your people: hear our prayers and grant us your all-powerful grace, through Jesus Christ our Lord forever and ever.  Amen.

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