Friday, April 30, 2021

prayers of the faithful - 30 April 2021 - fourth week of the Easter Season

 Lord Jesus - you call us to obedience. 

Christ Jesus - you call us to Gospel joy. 

Lord Jesus - you call us to service. 

PRIEST: To the Lord whose steadfast love endures forever: Let us intercede for the needs of all God’s children, in the name of Jesus the Good Shepherd. 1. For the church: May Christians throughout the world come together in a unity of purpose, witness, and fellowship

2. For our world and its leaders: May they be good stewards of the gifts of God found in creation and may we work together to share these gifts for the good of all people.

3. For those who are called to the consecrated life, may they be faithful witnesses of God’s love. May others be inspired to live their baptismal commitment by this witness.

4. For our community of faith: May we who know and are known by the Good Shepherd gladly welcome into our midst all who seek to hear the Lord’s voice.

5. For all those who are celebrating their first Communions here this weekend: May they bring to the community of faith their own unique and precious gifts as they go forth in the footsteps of Christ.

6. For those who suffer in body, mind, and spirit: May all the sick find healing in Jesus’ name, and care at the hands of his disciples.

7. For all who have died: / May Christ the Good Shepherd lead them through the mystery of death and into the green pastures of eternal life with him.

PRIEST: We present these prayers through Jesus our Good Shepherd, our Lord forever and ever.  AMEN.

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