Thursday, April 8, 2021

Friday of the Octave of Easter - 9 April 2021 - Prayers of the Faithful

 Lord Jesus - you bring us Easter joy.

Christ Jesus - you bring us hope.

Lord Jesus - you bring us the Father’s love.

PRIEST: Sisters and brothers, in the light of our risen Jesus we present our prayers to our heavenly Father.  

1. May all parishes and communities in the Church be united in heart and soul and be generous in sharing what they have with those in need.

2. May Christians affirm their belief in the risen Jesus as their Lord and God, and have a respectful love for each other.

3. May we work together with the nations of the world to end war, terrorism, and violent conflict.  

4. We pray for those who are still recovering from natural disasters, for those who have been affected by storms and tornados in recent months.  

5. For the Gospel of the life, the respect for all human life from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death.  

6. For healing for the sick and for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed.  

PRIEST: We acclaim Jesus as our Lord and God, and as we give thanks for every blessing received, help us, in this time of concern and anxiety, to put all our trust in Jesus, who lives and reigns for ever and ever.  AMEN. 

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