Saturday, April 17, 2021

Reflection - 4th Sunday of Easter - Jesus, our Good Shepherd - John 10:11-18

Jesus, our Good Shepherd: When we struggled, you refreshed our souls.  When we were fearful, you comforted us. When we were hungry, you gave us a feast. When we doubted, you encouraged us.   In the darkest valley, no calamity from man or from nature has separated us from you.

Jesus, our Good Shepherd: Teach us to walk as you walk. May we walk beside those in mourning, so that they will know joy. May we walk beside those in fear, so that they will know comfort. May we walk beside those who are hungry, so that they will feast until their cup overflows.  May we walk with those who face oppression or injustice, so that they will not feel alone.  May we walk with those who are sick or burdened, so that they may feel your healing presence in their lives.  

Jesus, our Good Shepherd: As your goodness and love follow us, may our goodness and love follow our neighbor. When we are faced with the threat of our worst terrors, may we know the comfort of the house of the Lord where you have invited us to dwell forever.

Jesus, our Good Shepherd: Let us strive to help build here on earth what you have promised us in heaven. In the face of all calamity, present and yet to come, let us lead our neighbor beside the still waters, the quiet waters of the Good Shepherd.

Jesus, our Good Shepherd: Never let us forget that you are always at our side.  AMEN.   

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