Friday, September 13, 2024

Prayers of the faithful - 24 September 2022 - Tuesday of the 25th week in Ordinary Time

Lord Jesus - you call us out the reality of our lives. 

Christ Jesus - you bring us healing and renewal. 

Lord Jesus - you call us to unity and solidarity. 

Priest: As we unite our prayers with the prayers of the community of saints, we present our prayers to our heavenly Father: 

1. That we may be open to all the gifts that different cultural, ethnic, economic, educational, and age groups bring to our community. 

2. For all who exercise authority may follow in the footsteps of Christ in being servants to others and attentive to those in need.

3. For those who reach out to the poor and the marginalized recognize Christ in all whom they serve. 

4. That we may reach out to those who can never repay us, allowing the reign of God to be experienced in our time. 

5. That God's healing love may touch those who have experience abuse, bring them healing, and restore them to the fullness of life. 

6. For the sick and shut-in and for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed. 

7. For the prayers we hold in our hearts today. 

Priest: With joy and hope, we present these prayers through your son Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever. AMEN. 

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