Saturday, September 7, 2024

11 September 2024 - Wednesday of the 23rd week in Ordinary Time - Luke 6:20-26

We hear a lot about the Beatitudes in our Catholic faith, but the sayings contained in the Beatitudes are not so easy to understand. The Beatitudes are supposed to be blessings, but how can it be a blessing to grieve or to be poor or to weep or to be hated? Our secular world definitely does not see those things as blessings. When we are thrown out our comfort zone or when we are challenged or pushed or stretched, those are often the times of greatest growth and enrichment in our lives. Perhaps the Beatitudes challenge those things that we assume to be the foundation of our culture and our values. Perhaps they challenge our safety and our security. Perhaps we don’t quite know what to make of the Beatitudes no matter how many times we ponder their meaning. Perhaps the wise elders that we have in society are the ones who exemplify the beatitudes to us.  The Beatitudes describe the humble, unassuming individuals who quietly go about living the values of the faith in their lives. Blessed are they.  

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