Saturday, September 7, 2024

10 September 2024 - homily for Tuesday of the 23rd week in ORDINARY TIME - Nicholas of Tolentino - Luke 6:12-19

Nicholas of Tolentino was a humble Augustine Friar who was born in the middle of the 13th century in Italy. He was known for his sprit of prayer, penance, fasting, and austerity of life. As a priest, he charitable towards his brother Augustinians as well as towards the people to whom he ministered. He had a special passion for visiting the sick and caring for the needy. He gave special attention to those who had fallen away from the Church.

A story is told that while Nicholas was asleep in bed, he was awakened by the voice of a deceased friar who told Nicholas that he was in purgatory and urged Nicholas to celebrate the Eucharist for him and the other souls there, so that they would be freed by the power of Christ. Nicholas did this for seven days. The friar again spoke to Nicholas while he was asleep, thanking him and assuring him that a large number of souls were now with God. Nicholas is seen as the patron saint as souls form purgatory. 

In our Gospel today, we hear Jesus call his 12 apostles. He calls all of us to a life of discipleship in different shapes and forms. Some of us are priests. Some are monks and nuns. Some of us are laity.  St Nicholas of Tolentino had a specific calling in his life. We all need to hear how God is calling us. 

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