Monday, September 2, 2024

4 September 2024 - Our Mother of Consolation - Augustinian feast - Wednesday of the 22nd week in Ordinary Time - Psalm 33

In moments of sorrow and trial, the Christian faithful often turn to Mary for comfort and assistance. Last month, we commemorated the Assumption of Mary on August 15 and the Queenship of Mary on August 22.  Today we commemorate Mary as Our Mother of Consolation. Today’s feast day expresses our confidence in Mary’s presence with us. Mary is always with us on our journey of faith. We are never abandoned, never alone. 

Members of the Augustinian religious order have had a devotion to Our Mother of Consolation since the 17th Century. Its origin with the Augustinian order is directly connected to the lives of St Monica and St Augustine, mother and son, who are commonly depicted together with the figures of Mary and the Child Jesus. For many years, St Monica was immersed in sorrow because of the death of her husband and the waywardness of her son. Yet, Monica was granted a vision of Mary and the Child Jesus, who sought to offer her comfort and consolation. By seeing Mary as the Mother of Consolation, we understand Mary as the Mother of God, the benefactress of her people who responds to the many needs of our humans experience. Mary is truly mother to us, because as she was also a faithful disciple of her son, she learned the lessons of selfless love and generous service. As Mother of Consolation, she is particularly near to those in need of companionship and comfort.

Our psalm today states: Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his own. May we feel God’s blessing today as disciples of Christ, asking Mary to always accompany us on our journey of faith. 

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