Sunday, September 8, 2024

Bulletin Reflection - 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time - 15 September 2024

This weekend, we celebrate Catechetical Sunday. Having been a lay missionary very involved in teaching children, youth, and adults in the Catholic faith, and having done so as a parishioner in various parishes before becoming a priest, religious formation for everyone in a parish is something that is near and dear to my heart. Pope Francis recently issued a letter stating the importance of reading of novels and literature for seminarians and for priests, indeed for all Catholics. Thus, formation in the faith can take different forms and different levels of creativity. We are not only encouraging all of our children and youth to be involved in our faith formation program, but all adults as well. We hope to have a lot of different offerings in which you can engage in faith formation. We give thanks for everyone in our parish who collaborates in and leads our program of religious education in different ways. Have a blessed week - Father Lincoln. 

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