Sunday, September 8, 2024

15 September 2024 - Blessing for catechists and teachers of religious eduction for Catechetical Sunday

Heavenly Father, you are the source of life and love. Send down your Spirit upon these catechists. Inspire them to be not only teachers of your truth, but witnesses of your love and of our faith.

Give them the courage to heal. Help them to see the struggle of those around them so that they may offer hope through loving gestures of support and prayer. May they be merciful to others as you are merciful.

Give them the joy to proclaim the Good News of salvation. Help them see your will at work in their lives so that they may share it with others. May they, in their words and deeds, offer continual praise to the one who saves us.

Give them the wisdom to teach. Help them discover the mysteries of our faith in new and exciting ways. May their curiosity inspire those who they instruct to become your loyal disciples.

We pray to you, almighty Father, in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ the Master-Teacher, the Healer, and the Savior, and in unity with the Holy Spirit who inspires us with knowledge, courage, and understanding.  Amen.

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