Saturday, September 7, 2024

Prayers of the faithful - 11 September 2023 - Wednesday of the 23rd week in Ordinary Time

Lord Jesus - you are the beloved Son of the Father. 

Christ Jesus - you forgive the sins of the contrite. 

Lord Jesus - you are seated at the right hand of the Father where you intercede for us. 

Priest: As we continue our journey during these days of ordinary time, we present our prayers to our heavenly Father: 

1. For all who hold authority in religion, business, education, and government: that they may recognize God as the source of their authority and use their power for promoting justice and unity. 

2. For greater stewardship of the earth: that our hearts may be moved as we behold God’s creation in nature and that we may care for the earth and its resources. 

3. For healing in cities and neighborhoods, that God will guide leaders in addressing issues of discrimination and injustice in our communities, opening pathways that will lead to reconciliation and healing. 

4. For all who are discerning God’s call, that they may recognize the promptings of the Holy Spirit and be open to how they can best love and serve in their life commitments. 

5. For all who are in abusive situations: that God will guide them to freedom and wholeness where they can heal and be renewed. 

6. For healing for all of us in body, mind, and spirit. 

7. For the faithful departed, for their entry into eternal life. 

8. For the prayers we hold in the silence of our hearts. 

Priest: Heavenly Father, as you lead us and guide us through our journey of life, we present our prayers through your son Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever. AMEN.  

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