Saturday, September 7, 2024

13 September 2024 - Homily for Friday of the 23rd week in Ordinary Time - St John Chrysostom - Luke 6:39-42

Our Gospel today reminded me about the new evangelization that recent popes have proclaimed to us. The new evangelization is a plan to proclaim Christ’s Gospel to the world, particularly to those countries in the West that have been traditionally Christian for centuries, but where many Christians have left the faith for a more secular lifestyle in recent years. The new evangelization is to start with us, with educating and forming ourselves in the faith before we go out to evangelize others. In the Gospel today, Christ tells us that before we help others, we must first take care of ourselves. Before we proclaim the Gospel, we must be true believers ourselves, to follow the true Gospel of Christ, to know what that Gospel really teaches. 

John Chrysostom is one of the most important Early Church Fathers. He was born around the year 349 in Antioch, an ancient Greek city that is located in modern-day Turkey.  As a young adult, he became an anchorite in the mountains surrounding Antioch. An anchorite is a type of hermit who separates himself from the world and devotes his life to prayer and love of the Eucharist. However, he was ordained a priest when he returned from the wilderness due to poor health. John Chrysostom became an important theologian, liturgist, and preacher as Archbishop of Constantinople, an important center of Christianity in the Early Church. He was named a Doctor of the Church in 1568 and is known as one of the four Great Greek Fathers of the faith, along with St Basil the Great, St Athanasius, and St Gregory of Nazianzus. His outspoken nature and direct honesty made him many enemies. However, he is revered to this day in the Church for his great contributions to our faith. He has many wonderful, profound quotes. Here is one of his quotes that I particularly like: “We pray not to inform God or instruct God, but to become intimate with him.” He also said: “A comprehended god is no god.” Let us unite our prayers with the prayers of St John Chrysostom today. 

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