Monday, September 2, 2024

6 September 2024 - Friday of the 22nd week in ordinary time - 1 Corinthians 4:1-4

We have had readings from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians in our daily masses this week. There is a lot of wisdom expressed in these readings. Today, Paul tells the Corinthians that he sees himself and his fellow missionaries as servants and stewards of the word of God and the mysteries of God that have been entrusted to them. They do not see themselves as lords or masters. They are called mysteries of God because they are truths that we can begin to comprehend in our human understanding of things only by the grace of God. Paul aspires to be trustworthy, reliable, and conscientious, but he knows that he has his critics, that they are ready to pounce on him and criticize him. We are in a society today where our faith is often under attack, where missionaries and saints have to be defended. Our motives as Catholic are often under suspicion by the secular world. Paul and his companions were courageous evangelizers of the faith. They took risks and gave up their lives in order to spread the Gospel message. May we open our hearts to the message that Christ is bringing us today.  

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