Sunday, February 16, 2025

4 March 2025 - Tuesday of the 8th week of Ordinary Time - prayers of the faithful

Lord Jesus - you proclaim your good news. 

Christ Jesus - you proclaim God’s kingdom. 

Lord Jesus - you are the beloved son of the Father

Priest: Lord, may you hear our prayers this evening that we make in faith and hope: 

1. May the Church in every country work together as one. May we hand down our faith traditions to our children and youth, confident that they will shape the world with goodness.

2. That our minds, hearts, and hands be opened to the poor, the challenged, the abused and the addicted. 

3. That God’s Word form our being, fill our hearts and guide our decisions. May we treasure God’s Word so that it will lead and guide our words and actions. 

4. For missionaries and the people they serve. For all who struggle to live in poverty and need. May God be a source of life for them. 

5. For the needs of our beloved sick, dying and grieving. For the needs of those who are abused and addicted. 

6. For the personal needs we all have that we hold in the silence of our hearts. 

Priest: Heavenly Father, we present these prayers through your son Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever. AMEN. 

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