Lord Jesus - you call us to forgiveness.
Christ Jesus - you bring us your healing presence.
Lord Jesus - you call us to a life of discipleship.
Priest: As we journey through the beginning of the holy season of Lent, we present our prayers to our heavenly Father:
1. That the Lord will renew the Church, making us all bold and dynamic witnesses to God’s love.
2. That the Lord will strengthen us to bear our daily challenges and to confront our struggles with faith.
3. That all the baptized and confirmed be faithful to their sacramental promises. We pray for all the children, youth, and adults preparing for the Easter sacraments.
4. That those who are alienated from the Church know and feel that they are welcome. That God open our hearts to all who are seeking.
5. That the Lord will shepherd our beloved sick and grieving; console the homebound, those alone, afraid and imprisoned.
6. For the prayers we offer in the silence of our hearts.
Priest: With faith on our Lenten journey, we present these prayers through your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever. AMEN.
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