Lord Jesus - you hear the cry of the poor.
Christ Jesus - you are the lamb of God.
Lord Jesus - you are our savior and redeemer.
Priest: As we ask God to continue to lead us and guide us on our journey, we now present our prayers to our heavenly Father:
1. That we in the Church may recognize our identity as members of the Body of Christ and manifest the Good News in our lives, our families, and our workplaces.
2. That we may nurture and develop the gifts that the Spirit has given us and use them to build up the Body of Christ and in service to others.
3. That Church leaders and every member of the Christian community will listen for God’s invitations and further the mission of Jesus.
4. That God will inspire our catechists and our preachers with words that will renew the faith of those who hear them and encourage them to greater trust in God’s providence.
5. That we may allow God’s Word to enter our deepest selves, enlighten our hearts, and free us to live as daughters and sons of God.
6. For the faithful departed, for their entry into eternal life. For the souls in purgatory.
7. For the prayers we hold in the silence of our hearts.
Priest: Out of our humility, we present these prayers through your son Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever. AMEN.
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