Sunday, February 23, 2025

11 March 2025 - Tuesday of the 1st week of Lent - prayers of the faithful

Lord Jesus - you hear the cry of the poor. 

Christ Jesus - you bring us hope. 

Lord Jesus - you heal the afflicted. 

Priest: We present our prayers in the midst of our Lenten journey with faith and hope. 

1. That the Church may bring healing to all parts of the world during the holy season of Lent. 

2. That we may humbly recognize God gifts manifest in different people in different ways. 

3. May all who are engaged, married, single or widowed be channels of God’s love, inspired by a deeper commitment to help and welcome those who are poor, suffering, or marginalized.

4. For the unity of all Christians. May we work together to heal our wounds, barriers and divisions so that together we may find more effective ways to heal our broken world.

5. May we believe in the power of miracles and find inspiration in faith and strength through prayer.

6. May we engage in the Lenten disciples of prayer, fasting, and charity. 

7. For all who are sick, dying, or grieving. For healing and wholeness. 

8. For the personal intentions we hold in the silence of our hearts. 

Priest: We present our prayers through your son Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever. AMEN.  

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