Priest - Penitential rite:
Lord Jesus - you call us to follow God’s law.
Christ Jesus - you teach us the ways of truth.
Lord Jesus - you show us the way to God's kingdom.
Priest: Heavenly Father, you fill our days with blessings in answer to our prayers. Let us now turn to you in our needs:
1. That the Church may embody the word of God and help all believers to know the saving power of Christ. We pray to the Lord.
2. That as individuals and as a community we be good stewards of the earth’s resources and all of God’s creation. We pray to the Lord.
3. That past injustices amongst the peoples of the earth may give way to justice and peace. We pray to the Lord.
4. That we may allow God’s word to penetrate our hearts, making his word living and effective in what we say and what we do. We pray to the Lord.
5. That in the midst of our diversity and our differences, we may celebrate our oneness in Christ. We pray to the Lord.
6. For healing for the sick and afflicted in body, mind, and spirit. We pray to the Lord.
7. For all who are dealing with addictions, mental health issues, anxiety, and depression. For healing and wholeness. We pray to the Lord.
8. For the prayers we hold in the silence of our hearts. We pray to the Lord.
Priest: As the abundance of your grace inspires us to bring our prayers to you, we make our prayers through your son Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever. AMEN.
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