Today, February 21, we celebrate the feast day of Saint Peter Damian. Born in 1007 in Ravenna, Italy, he was a Benedictine monk who worked at reforming the Church. He is remembered for a life of penance and austerity. In his honesty and zeal for the Lord, he confronted immorality and dishonesty wherever he found it, not being afraid to confront clergy. His writings remain instrumental in clarifying Church doctrine on issues such as Purgatory, the Eucharist, the Sacraments, and Christian virtues. He was also very devoted to the Blessed Mother. He was named as a Doctor of the Church for his contributions to the faith by Pope Leo XII in 1828.
In the Gospel today, Jesus asks us to take up our crosses and to follow him. Taking up our crosses can mean a lot of different things. I think of consecrated religious brothers and sisters who live a life of silence, austerity, a prayer, like Peter Damian. That is the particular cross and journey to which they are called. May we all take up our crosses and follow Jesus.
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