Lord Jesus - you call us to be missionary in spirit.
Christ Jesus - you call us to be your disciples.
Lord Jesus - you call us to have faith and hope.
Priest: With faith, hope, and love, we present our prayers to our heavenly Father this evening:
1. That God will lead us in wisdom to live the virtues of the Christian life.
2. That God will help us discern our motivations and make life-giving choices each day.
3. For all who hand-on the faith to others. That Church leaders, teachers, and parents may share the faith clearly and convincingly.
4. That our prayers, words, and actions may come to greater integrity and wholeness.
5. That God will heal the pain of those who have experienced abuse, discrimination, or human trafficking and fill them with hope for the future.
6. For all who are suffering from natural disasters and for those assisting them. We pray for those who are recovering from the California wildfires. For healing and recovery.
7. For the prayers we hold in the silence of our hearts.
Priest: We present our prayers this evening through your son Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever. AMEN.
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