Monday, February 24, 2025

1 March 2025 - Saturday of the 7th week in Ordinary Time - First Saturday devotion of Our Lady of Fatima

Lord Jesus, you the Prince of Peace: Lord, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you are the Son of God and Son of Mary: Christ, have mercy. 

Lord Jesus, you are Word of God made flesh: Lord, have mercy.

Prayers of the faithful:  

PRIEST:  God graciously blesses us with his love and mercy. Let us bring forward our needs to God with confidence as we commemorate our first Saturday Devotion this morning:

1. That those who follow Christ may grow in their faith as we honor Mary today. 

2. That God will grant wisdom to our governmental leaders in the difficult decisions they make. 

3. For peace in our communities that are torn apart by violence, terrorism, anger, or conflict.

4. That we may all be peacemakers who work for reconciliation, peace, and justice in our relationships and in our families.  

5. That our Mother Mary, Our Lady of Fatima, may be an example to all of us in her patience, compassion, and love.  

6. For Pope Francis and all Church leaders, for wisdom as they lead and guide the people of God. 

7. For the sick and the shut-in.  For our dearly departed family members and loved ones, that perpetual light may shine on them.

8. For those prayers we hold in our hearts.  

PRIEST: Gracious God, you bless your people with peace and justice. As we commemorate our Mother Mary, Our Lady of Fatima, we ask that you accept our prayers and give us your help, through your son Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever. Amen.

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