Sunday, February 2, 2025

18 February 2025 - Tuesday of the 6th week in Ordinary Time - Genesis 6:5-8 and 7:1-5, 10

Although Michelangelo has not been canonized a saint by the Church, he was a very devout Catholic who contributed greatly to the life of the Church. He died on this day in 1564.  Michelangelo is most remembered as being the gifted artist who created the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican and as being the sculptor of famous statues such as David and the Pieta. He is also the architect of the basilica of St Peter in the Vatican, to which he devoted three decades of his life. In the 11th chapter of the book of Genesis in the Old Testament, in the story of the tower of Babel, architecture became the subject of human folly and was used in a way that disrespected God. In the work of Michelangelo, architecture is used in an opposite way, of being used to glorify God. 

The story of the tower of Babel showed the wickedness that could be in the hearts of humankind, of the way we think we can become God. This same wickedness was the reason for the great flood and the story of Noah and the ark. Yet, God saw in Noah a righteous man who could be a remnant of humanity. Through Noah, humanity and God’s creation survived. God is faithful to his covenant. We also must do our part.  

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