Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Prayers of the faithful - 30 June 2024 - 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time - CMCF prison ministry

Priest: Penitential Act: 

Lord Jesus - you bring healing to the sick - Lord have mercy. 

Christ Jesus - you raise us to new life - Christ have mercy. 

Lord Jesus - you call us to faith and renewal - Lord have mercy. 

Prayers of the faithful:

Priest: Let us place our trust in God, who rejoices in our redemption. Let us give voice to our needs and those of our brothers and sisters:

1. That we in the Church may bring comfort, life, and joy to those who mourn, to those who are suffering, and to those who are anxious or depressed. We pray to the Lord. 

2. For those who suffer from chronic illnesses or long-term disabilities. That they may find strength to persevere.  We pray to the Lord. 

3. As we celebrate our nation’s independence day this upcoming week, may we also recognize the unity we have as a nation and to give thanks for the blessings God has bestowed upon us.  We pray to the Lord. 

4. That we may work for an end to violence across the nation. We pray to the Lord. 

5. For the men and women who serve in the military. For our veterans. For our first responders.  We pray to the Lord. 

6. That we may share what we have with those in need, imitating Christ, we pray to the Lord. 

7. For healing for the sick and the shut-in. For those who have died, for their entry into eternal life.  We pray to the Lord. 

8. For the prayers we hold in the silence of our hearts.  We pray to the Lord. 

Priest: Loving God, you offer your healing touch to those in need. Heal us of our maladies, whether physical, spiritual, or communal, as you grant the prayers we make, through the one who brought new life to the world, Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever. AMEN. 

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