Friday, June 14, 2024

Bulletin Reflection - 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time - 16 June 2024

We hear readings at Mass today about nature. We hear about a tender shoot that will become a majestic cedar, about a small mustard seed that grows into a large plant, about a man who scatters seeds all over the land. As we hear about nature, we pray that the gardens that we are tending will flourish and bear much fruit. We pray that our farmers’ hard work will pay off and give them a bountiful harvest. Even in our Catholic prison ministry, we have been sponsoring a garden project that has really inspired the inmates. With agriculture and farming being so prevalent here in the state of Mississippi, the imagery of nature in our Scripture readings today speak to us in a very real way, encouraging us to help build up the kingdom of God here on earth. Blessings to all of you - Father Lincoln.

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