Wednesday, June 26, 2024

27 June 2024 - prayers of the faithful - Thursday of the 12th week in ordinary time

Lord Jesus - you call us to discipleship

Christ Jesus - you call us to the truth of the Gospel. 

Lord Jesus - you are our Savior and Redeemer. 

Priest: As we journey through these days of ordinary time, we present our prayers to our heavenly Father: 

1. That we in the Church may live each day as Eucharistic people, giving and sharing of ourselves in our words and our actions. 

2. For our first responders, the men and women in the military, our veterans, and our medical professionals.  

3. For our children and youth, that they be safe during the summer break and see God in all of their experiences this summer. 

4. May all profess the dignity of human life in their words and actions, proclaiming the Gospel of life. 

5. That our faithfulness as disciples of Christ reflect the faithfulness Christ has for us.  

6. For the sick and shut-ins. For all who are struggling with mental illness, addictions, and depression. 

7. For the repose of the souls of the faithful departed. For their entry into eternal life. For the souls in purgatory. 

8. For the prayers we hold in the silence of our hearts. 

Priest: We present these prayers, heavenly Father, through your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever.  AMEN.   


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