Saturday, June 1, 2024

21 June 2024 - prayers of the faithful - Friday of the 11th week in Ordinary Time

Lord Jesus - you call us to appreciate the blessings we receive from God. 

Christ Jesus - you hear the cry of the poor. 

Lord Jesus - you are seated at the right hand of the Father. 

Priest: As we continue our journey during ordinary time, we present our prayers to our heavenly Father: 

1. That our Church leaders will help us better appreciate and recognize Christ’s presence with us in God’s word and in the sacraments. 

2. That our governmental leaders will help us better reach out to the poor and the needy. 

3. That through works of mercy and compassion, we may reach out to the lonely and the afflicted. 

4. For healing for all of us in body, mind and spirit.

5. That we may all grow in wisdom and holiness each day on our journey of faith. 

6. That God’s salvation may reach to the ends of the earth through the ministry of the Church. 

7. For the faithful departed, for their entry into eternal life.  

8. For the prayers we hold in the silence of our hearts. 

Priest: We present our prayers through your son Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever.  AMEN.  

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