Friday, June 14, 2024

16 June 2024 - Prayers of the faithful - 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Introduction: Our readings today talk about nature in different ways: about a sower scattering seed, about the land bearing fruit, about a small mustard seed growing into a huge plant, about the might cedars of Lebanon. As we head into the hot humid summer months, we appreciate the shade we receiving from the trees and we spend time out in our gardens. May these stories and parables speak to us in the midst of our reality. We welcome all of our families to Mass today as we celebrate Father’s day.

Penitential Rite:

Lord Jesus, you plant us like trees in the world. Lord have mercy.

Christ Jesus, you tend us and watch over our growth. Christ have mercy. Lord Jesus, you await our bountiful harvest. Lord have mercy.

Prayers of the faithful:

Priest: In baptism, we are established in a firm foundation in the house in the Lord. We pray that all of us may flourish in the courts of our God:

1. That we in the church may continue to sow the seeds of peace and justice, the seeds of love and kindness, helping the kingdom of God grow in the world. We pray to the Lord.

2. That all missionaries may continue to plant the seeds of faith and build up the kingdom in the different parts of the world, feeling Christ’s presence accompanying them. We pray to the Lord.

3. For our farmers, farm workers, and gardeners. For those who work in our farms, our orchards, and our vineyards. We pray for good weather and a bountiful harvest. We pray to the Lord.

4. For our Fathers, Grandfathers, Great Grandfathers, and Godfathers, and for all who have fathered us throughout our lives. We pray to the Lord.

5. That all of us may continue to nurture the seeds of faith that have been planted within us, that they may bear lasting fruit. We pray to the Lord.

6. For healing for the sick in body, mind, and spirit.

7. For our first responders, for the men and women in the military, and for our medical professionals. We pray to the Lord.

8. For the prayers we hold in the silence of our hearts. We pray to the Lord.

Priest: God of all, you gift us with the seed of our faith and you entrust us to sow our faith and to nurture it. Hear the prayers that we make today and grant them according to your will, through you son, Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever. AMEN.

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