Tuesday, June 25, 2024

25 June 2024 - prayers of the faithful - Tuesday of the 12th week in Ordinary Time

Lord Jesus - you call us to justice.

Christ Jesus - you bring us the love of the Father. 

Lord Jesus - you call us to faith.  

prayers of the faithful: 

Priest: With love and hope in our hearts, let us present our prayers to our heavenly Father:

1. For a deepening of virtue in our lives. For growth in patience, endurance, fortitude, and hope.  

2. That God’s generous love will call us to transformation, helping us handle any impatience and frustration that meets us in daily life. 

3. That the new life of God within us inspire us as we grow in our human relationships. May we learn to better share our lives with our brothers and sisters. 

4. That God will inspire us to work for the common good of our parishes and our Diocese, to encourage and accept each other, and to make room for the gifts of our neighbors. 

5. For all who are preparing to celebrate the sacrament of holy matrimony: that God will form them into a community of life, strengthen their commitment to each other, and help them to encounter Jesus in their love for each other.

6. For healing for all of us in body, mind, and spirit. 

7. For the prayers we hold in the silence of our hearts.

Priest: With the month of June dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we present our prayers through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever.  AMEN.  

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