Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Prayers of the faithful - St Patrick's day - 17 March 2020

Penitential rite: 
Lord Jesus - you call us all to be missionaries - Lord have mercy. 
Christ Jesus - you call us to reach out to our brothers and sisters - Christ have mercy. 
Lord Jesus - you 

Prayer of the faithful: 
We now bring our prayers to our loving and merciful God: 

For our Church leaders and our governmental leaders, during these challenging times in our world, may they seek good counsel and wisdom in their decision making process, we pray to the Lord. 

As we celebrate St Patrick’s day today, we pray that we will embrace the missionary spirit of St Patrick, and we pray for the country of Ireland, for our Irish priests in Mississippi, and for all Irish Americans, we pray to the Lord. 

For the sick and shut-in, for healing for those with the Coronavirus and the flu, for those who need healing mind, body and spirit, we pray for the Lord. 

For all those who have had their daily routine interrupted or inconvenienced, for patience and perseverance, and for help for those whose job or economic situation has been threatened, we pray to the Lord. 

For all of our students, may God accompany them in the creative ways they are learning now, we pray to the Lord. 

For the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, and for those prayers we hold in our hearts today, we pray to the Lord. 

Heavenly Father, we ask for your help and strength during these challenging times.  We present these prayers to you through your son Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever.  AMEN.  

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