Friday, March 20, 2020

23 March 2020 - Monday of the 4th week in Lent - John 4:43-54

      We hear Jesus declare in the Gospel today: “Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will not believe.”  Sometimes we want a particular sign from God, don’t we?  A sign that he is there for us.  A sign that he is listening to our prayers.  Sometimes we want a particular answer to our prayers, not being content until we receive that answer. It is true that some people will not believe until they receive a sign, just as Jesus says in today’s Gospel, but, sometimes people even receive the sign that they want, and they still will not believe. Perhaps some people have their minds already made up and nothing will take them out of their disbelief.  
       On Thursday of the 2nd week of Lent, we heard the Gospel of the rich man and Lazarus. In the place of torment, the rich man is now concerned about the welfare of his brothers. If the rich man cannot get a drop of water to quench his thirst, at least he wants Father Abraham to send Lazarus to his brothers to convince them that they do not want this same destiny. Abraham’s response is that they have Moses and the prophets, that they already have signs. That is not enough, the rich man says, but if someone risen from the dead comes back to them, then they will believe.  Abraham responds that if they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, they will not listen to someone risen from the dead. If we have the faith to believe in the risen Jesus, we will have faith to believe Moses and the prophets. Why do some believe and why do some not believe?  
       In our Gospel today, the man who asks Jesus to heal his dying son believes Jesus’ words without seeing anything.  He is many miles away from home when Jesus says his son will live. He does not get a sign, but he does not need a sign. He believes based on Jesus’ word.  
       As we continue our Lenten journey, as we are living in this strange new world and strange new reality right now, may we place our trust in our Savior Jesus Christ, may we place our trust in our faith.  May we heed the signs and wonders God places in our midst.  In our reality today, perhaps, are not getting the signs and wonders that we want right now. Even in that case, let us trust. 

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