Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Prayers of the Faithful -- Lenten daily mass - 31 March 2020

Lord Jesus - you are our hope in the midst of our struggles - Lord have mercy. 
Christ Jesus - you are our strength when reality seems bleak - Christ have mercy. 
Lord Jesus - you are our truth in the midst of our questions - Lord have mercy. 

We now bring our prayers to our merciful God: 
  1. For the Church during this season of Lent - may she lead us in renewing our hearts and in reconciling broken relationships. 
  2. For our Church Leaders - that they may help unite our communities in the midst of our struggles and isolation. 
  3. For our children, youth, and families - may these stay healthy and safe, may they learn in their home studies, and may they grow together in their faith. 
  4. For those whose health has been affected by the Coronavirus, for the sick and shut-in, for those in the hospital and nursing home, for healing and wholeness for all. 
  5. For open hearts, that we may continue to live out our faith to its fullest even in the midst of this new reality. 
  6. For the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, and for those prayers we hold in our hearts today. 
Heavenly Father, as we ask for strength and courage, we put ourselves in your loving embrace.  We present these prayers to you through your son Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever.  Amen. 

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