Saturday, March 21, 2020

Prayers of the faithful - Fourth Sunday of LENT - 22 March 2020

Penitential Rite: 
Lord Jesus - you came as a servant - Lord have mercy. 
Christ Jesus - you are humble of heart - Christ have mercy. 
Lord Jesus - you call us to serve God and to serve others - Lord have mercy. 

Prayers of the faithful: 
Priest:  With faith in Christ the light of the world, we come to the Father in prayer today: 

Our response is: Lord, hear our prayer.

1. That Christ the light of the world may ever shine through the unity and charity of his Church and her leaders, especially Pope Francis and Bishop Paul, let us pray to the Lord.
Response: Lord, hear our prayer.
2. That Christ may cast out rivalry and the worship of power from the minds of the leaders of nations.  May all the world’s leaders work together in the midst of the crisis that is facing us today.  
3. That Christ may kindle hope in the hearts of those who know that death is near. For the repose of the souls of the faithful departed.  We pray especially for the mother of Cathy Bailey as she enters eternal life. 
4. That Christ may renew our faith as we practice the Lenten disciplines of prayer, fasting, and generosity. 
5. That Christ may bring healing into our illness, sickness, and brokenness.  We pray especially for those in the hospital, hospice, and nursing homes.  We pray especially for those who are suffering from the Coronavirus and the flu.
Priest: Father, your Son continues to reveal his saving truth. As we offer these prayers today, deepen our response to his revelation. We ask this, through Christ our Lord. AMEN.   

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