Thursday, May 18, 2017

Mass introductions - 6th Sunday in Easter - 21 May 2017

Introduction: Today, we continue our celebration of the Easter season, reflecting on the meaning of Christ’s resurrection, earning the promises of the Holy Spirit who will accompany us on our journey.  Let us pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit every day into our lives as we call to mind our sins: 

Penitential Rite - 
Lord Jesus, you suffer for our sins you opened the way to eternal life:  Lord, have mercy.
Christ Jesus, through your death and resurrection, you release us from the power of sin and death, Christ have mercy.  
Lord Jesus, you sent us the Holy Spirit to be our advocate and our guide: Lord, have mercy.
May Almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sin, and bring us to everlasting life. 

Introduction to the Nicene Creed:  Led by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of justice and truth, let us profess our faith. 

Prayers of the Faithful
Priest: We now bring our prayers for the needs of the world before our merciful Father, led by the Holy Spirit of truth and justice: 
1. For the holy Church, that we might live in the light of the risen Christ and show the world the love and mercy of God the Father, we pray to the Lord.
2. For peace in the world; for an end to violence and destruction; for governmental leaders, that they may govern with wisdom and justice for all, we pray to the Lord.
3. For all those newly baptized this Easter season, for those who received the sacraments of confirmation and first holy communion, that they feel the presence of the Spirit of truth with them and share it with others through their words and their actions, me pray to the Lord.
4. For all of our children and youth, for a good end to the school year and for safe travel and vacations during the summer break, we pray to the Lord.  
5. For the sick and shut-ins, for good health and healing, we pray to the Lord. 
6. For the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, we pray to the Lord. 

Priest: Heavenly Father, we rejoice in the presence of your risen Son and we humbly ask you to listen our prayers today and to answer them in the name of our risen Lord for ever and ever.  

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