Saturday, May 22, 2021

prayers of the faithful - 21 May 2021 - 7th week of the season of Easter

 Lord Jesus - you fill our hearts with joy.

Christ Jesus - you bring us the love of the Father.

Lord Jesus - you call us to justice.

We bring our prayers to our heavenly Father:

1. For all missionaries: that God will help them to announce the Good News boldly and sustain their spirits as they help build the church

2. For all those working for an end to the pandemic: that God will give strength to those caring for the sick, working against the Covid virus, distributing the vaccine, or educating people about daily health practices

3. For those overwhelmed by the reality of life - that the Lord will give them perspective and strength and help them have hope and continue on their journey.  

4. For the gift of peace: that the reign of Christ will open new opportunities for dialogue and inspire them to work for justice and the preservation of life.

5. For the sick and the shut-in - for healing, wholeness, and reconciliation.  

6. For the repose of the souls of the faithful departed and for those souls in the process of purification in purgatory.  

We present these prayers through your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever.  AMEN.  

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