Tuesday, May 4, 2021

7 May 2021 - homily for Friday of the 5th week of EASTER - Acts 15:22-31

     The community leaders gathered at Jerusalem, deciding that circumcision should not be imposed on the non-Jewish converts to the Way of Jesus.  They promulgated this decision to the wider Church.  Antioch was a great center of Greek speaking followers of the Way of Jesus, both Jewish and Gentile converts alike.  Besides Paul and Barnabas to Antioch, they also sent representatives from the Jerusalem community of the Way of Jesus.   Significantly, they announce their statement with these words: “It is the decision of the Holy Spirit and of us…”  They find it important to say that they are not only speaking in their own name but also with the endorsement of the Holy Spirit in their decision.  In the last few days in our first readings from Acts, as we heard of the decision that the Church makes, we have heard how the Spirit accompanied the whole Church and her leaders.  The leaders discerned where the Spirit was working, making a decision guided by the Spirit. I never imagined that one day I would be working in the chancery office of our Diocese. That is the truth.  But I trust that is where the Spirit decided that I should be.  In recent years, it seems like there has been a distrust and a rebellion against authority figures in our country.  Unfortunately, perhaps that distrust has been warranted in many cases.  I just remember how my mom grew up in an immigrant family where most of the family members did not have a lot of opportunity to get a formal education.  Yet, my mom taught me to have so much respect for my teachers.  I remember taking the promise of obedience to the bishop on the day of my ordination.  That still sticks with me.  Let us pray today and everyday for our Pope, our Bishop, and all of our Church leaders.  They certainly need our prayer,s our love, and our support.   

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