Monday, February 11, 2019

15 February 2019 - Friday of the 5th week of Ordinary Time- Genesis 3:1-8, Mark 7:31-37

       We hear about senses being opened up in different ways in our readings today.  In our reading from Genesis, the serpent seduces Eve, resulting in both Adam and Eve eating of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, with their eyes and their minds being opened to shame and embarrassment.  In the Gospel, there was another kind of opening: the opening of the ears of the deaf man through Jesus’ command.  The deaf man was filled with joy when speech and hearing were restored. The people who witnessed this healing were filled with wonder, saying "(Jesus) has done all things well; he makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.” Adam and Eve were punished for their disobedience.  They were driven from the garden. God’s justice and mercy are the themes of our readings today. 
      We can open up ourselves to good things on our journey of faith, things that will help us and encourage us and strengthen us in our faith.  Or, conversely, we can open up ourselves to temptations and the works of the evils and things that will take us off our journey of faith or that will weaken our faith.  What I see in a lot of young people, and adults as well, is that they think they can fool around with things, things they know they should not be doing, thinking they are not dangerous and that they will not lead to an addiction or negative consequences in our lives.  However, like Adam and Eve being seduced, we can be tricked into things and we can be seduced as well.  Doing things that will educate us in the faith, forming our conscience in the teachings of the Church, practicing devotions of our faith and being an active part of our faith community - these are all things we can do to help us be open to the good thing of our faith, while helping us resist temptation.

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