Sunday, July 8, 2018

Mass Parts - Our Lady of Mount Carmel - 16 July 2018

INTRODUCTORY RITE  -  The glory of Lebanon is given to her, the beauty of Carmel and Sharon; they shall see the glory of the Lord, and the splendor of our God. (Isaiah 33:2) 
Collect:  Let us pray:
Father, may the prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother and Queen of Carmel, protect us and bring us to your holy Mountain, Christ our Lord,who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. 

Prayer over the gifts: 
Lord, we reverently offer you these gifts
as we recall the patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
In your service may our love become like hers and so unite us more closely with the work of redemption.
Grant this through Christ our Lord. 

Preface of Our Lady of Mount Carmel II 
Father, all powerful and ever-living God,
we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks as we honor the Blessed Virgin Mary. 
She shares with Christ his work of salvation,
and with his Church she brings forth sons and daughters whom she calls to walk the path of perfect love.
She claims us also as her beloved children,
clothed in the habit of her Order,
shields us along our way to holiness,
and in her likeness sets us before the world,
so that our hearts, like hers,
may ever contemplate your Word,
love our brothers and sisters,
and draw them to her Son. 
In our joy we sing to your glory with all the choirs of angels: 
Holy, holy, holy . . .

Prayer after communion: 
Let us pray:
Lord God,
we have been nourished by the Body and Blood of your Son.
May the wonders of your love strengthen us and help us to follow more faithfully the example of the Blessed Virgin Mary to whose service we are dedicated.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. 

Solemn Blessing over the People: 
The Father chose Mary to be the Mother of his Son. May he make you also her faithful children.
R/ Amen. 
God the Son was born of Mary and was obedient to her. May he grant you to love her as he did.
R/ Amen. 
The Holy Spirit overshadowed her and made her fruitful with the Word. May he fill you also with the Divine Presence.
R/ Amen. 
And may the blessing of almighty God,
the Father, the Son,
􏰀and the Holy Spirit, come upon you and remain with you for ever. R/ Amen. 
Texts from the Carmelite Missal, 1979. 

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