Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Bulletin Reflection - 14 July 2024 - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Father McGing is in Ireland now.  And this week marked the end of several weeks of travels for me, doing two mission appeals, traveling to New York State for a wedding, and making my presentation at Notre Dame for my project as a part of the Eucharistic renewal.  Back in June, I traveled to a large parish located in downtown Los Angeles for a mission appeal, St Vincent DePaul. I was so exhausted at the end of the day, celebrating five Masses with them and hearing confessions in between the Masses.  Of those five Masses, four of them were in Spanish. It is interesting how in our own corner of the world, we each have our own unique reality.  We are called to be missionaries of Christ Good News, wherever we are in the world. We don’t have to go out on a missionary journey like Christ’s disciples in today’s Gospel. We can bring his message to those around us in different ways. Have a blessed week everyone. Father Lincoln. 

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