Wednesday, July 10, 2024

12 July 2024 - Friday of the 14th week in Ordinary Time - prayers of the faithful

Lord Jesus - You are the son of the living God.

Christ Jesus - You are our savior and our redeemer. 

Lord Jesus - You nourish us with your body and blood in the Eucharist. 

Priest: With faith and hope, we bring our prayers to our heavenly Father this evening. 

1. That we in the Church may hear God’s call to discipleship and seek first the kingdom of God in our lives. 

2. May we in our parish and in the entire Diocese of Jackson strive to bring back the lost sheep and evangelize in our community.

3. That God’s word may touch the hearts of all Christ’s disciples and guide them into a deeper knowledge of God. 

4. For all who feel impelled to violence, that the Spirit of God will calm their anger and help them recognize each person as a child of God. 

5. For all who are recovering from natural disasters, that God will protect them from further harm, guide them to the resources that they need, and open the hearts of many to assist them. 

6. For healing for the sick.  For the faithful departed, for their entry into eternal life. 

7. For the prayers in the silence of our hearts. 

PRIEST: We present these prayers with humble hearts through your Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever.  AMEN.  

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