Friday, July 12, 2024

18 July 2024 - Thursday of the 15th week in Ordinary Time

Lord Jesus, you are our lasting treasure. 

Christ Jesus, you call us to share our resources with the poor. 

Lord Jesus, you lead us to eternal gladness. 

Prayers of the faithful:

Priest: Let us seek what matters to God with generous hearts.  We now pray for our needs, the needs of our brothers and sisters, and the needs of the Church:

1. For the Church, that we may be a model of generosity, freely giving of our abundance to those in need, we pray to the Lord. 

2. For the leaders of the nations, that we may be inspired to share their nation’s resources with those who suffer, we pray to the Lord. 

3. For an end to terrorism, war, and violence. For healing and reconciliation in our families, our communities, and our nation, we pray to the Lord. 

4. That all of us may seek wisdom, guidance, and understanding in God’s holy word, we pray to the Lord.  

5. For healing for the sick and the afflicted in body, mind and spirit, for those who are suffering from addictions and mental illness, we pray to the Lord. 

6. For our students, families, and teachers.  May the Lord bless their studies and all their school activities in the upcoming school year, we pray to the Lord.  

6. For the prayers we hold in the silence for our hearts, we pray to the Lord. 

Priest: God of holiness, you lovingly renew our minds and our spirits.  We offer our prayers through your son Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever. AMEN.  

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