Monday, July 29, 2024

2 August 2024 - prayers of the faithful - Friday of the 17th week in Ordinary Time

Lord Jesus, your glory shines in creation. 

Christ Jesus - you are the living bread. 

Lord Jesus - You are the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega.  

Priest: Our Lord is our provider.  He natures us and blesses us.  Let us now raise our voices to him in prayer.  

1. For our Church leaders, that they may lead all their people in proclaiming the Gospel message throughout the world.  

2. For our nation, that we may all work together to solve the problems and challenges that confront us.  

3. For our families and students as they get ready for the new school year.  

4. For the respect of human life in the world, especially the most vulnerable and the forgotten. 

5. For all of us at the ACTS retreat this weekend, that we may open our heart to the working of the Holy Spirit through this experience. 

6. For all who are finishing up their summer vacation, for safe travels, and for a renewal of our spirit.  

7. For those who are sick, for those who are in need of healing in body, mind, and spirit. For those dealing with depression, mental health issues, anxiety, or addictions. 

8. For the prayers we hold in our hearts today. 

Priest: God of abundant grace, you know our needs before we know them ourselves.  We ask that you look with favor on the prayers we present through your son Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever.  AMEN.  

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