Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Prayers of the faithful - 22nd week of Ordinary Time -- 2 September 2021

Lord Jesus - you heal our brokenness. 

Christ Jesus - you bring us the love of the Father. 

Lord Jesus - you are the beloved Son. 

We bring our prayers this morning to our heavenly Father:

1. For all who hand on the faith, particularly preachers, teachers, and parents: that they may share the faith clearly and convincingly, and lead others into an experience of God’s great love

2. For conversion from our hypocrisies: that we may recognize where we say one thing and live by another so that we may come to greater integrity and wholeness. 

3. For all who are suffering from natural disasters and for those assisting them: that God will help us to reach out to those affected by Hurricane Ida, to those affected by the wildfires in the West, and to those affected by natural disasters around the world.  

4. For refugees and displaced persons, particularly those fleeing Afghanistan: that God will guide them to safety, protect them on their journeys, and help them find welcome in new communities

5. For greater respect for and stewardship of earth’s resources: that we may treasure the natural resources that God has given us and wisely use them for the good of the human family

6. For an end to the pandemic: that God will curtail the surge in the Covid virus, send healing to all who are ill, and give strength and courage to all medical personnel. 

7. For the silent prayers we hold in our hearts.  

We present our prayers through your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever. AMEN.  

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