Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Bulletin reflection for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

It is the 26th of September and the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time - that is easy to remember, isn’t it? It is hard to believe that we will be starting the month of October.  It is harder to believe that it has been 19 months that we have been dealing with the harsh reality of the pandemic.  I don’t any of us thought we would be dealing with it for so long.  

This is the last of 5 readings from the Letter of James that we will hear in our Sunday Masses.  I love these messages we have been hearing from James.  It gives us good practical advice on how to live out our faith.  It is good advice for all of us.  In particular, I see it as really good advice for young Catholics: for youth, college students, and young adults. The message that we’ve been hearing from James is that we need to be doers of the Word, not just hearers of the Word; that our faith is just not be something that should remains in our hearts, but rather our faith is to bear fruit in the world.

In his letter, James points on the reality he sees in the Christian community of his day. He sees many of the rich store up their material wealth and possessions, but they do so on the backs of the poor whom they disrespect and oppress.  They have great material rewards here on earth, but will not find their reward in God’s Kingdom. We can use our influence and riches to help others, in works of kindness, mercy, and goodness, we can earn a good living and still follow the values of the Gospel, or we can use our wealth and riches in ways that do not proclaim God’s Kingdom on earth.  As you all know, we are dependent on what we can do as a parish based upon the offertory we receive.  We are thankful for the generosity of our parishioners, for the sacrifices many of you make to help us in our parish.  

Blessings to all of you this week.  Have a blessed week as we continue to journey in faith.  Father Lincoln.

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