Friday, December 30, 2011

1/6/2012 – Homily - Friday in second week in octave of Christmas – Mark 1:7-11

Today, we hear a reading describing those who question John the Baptist about the baptism he is performing, then comparing it with baptism Jesus receives from John, with the Holy Spirit coming down upon him like a dove.  Baptisms are certainly very joyful occasions in our faith.  When families baptize a small infant into the faith, when adults decide to be baptized after a long period of searching and struggle, it is certainly cause to rejoice.  And I have seen the Holy Spirit work wonders through people in the waters of baptism, bringing forth a movement and transformation in their lives.  An inmate from our prison ministry here in Yazoo City has been released now for about half a year, and he has now made the decision to be baptized and his son is being baptized with him.   He has had a very rough life, really struggling on his own for many years, and he realizes that he needs God in his life if he is going to make it. 

This upcoming Monday, on January 9, we will celebrate the Baptism of Our Lord, bringing the Christmas season to an end, and then ushering in ordinary time once again in our liturgical year.  As we continue our journey of faith, as we move past our celebration of Christmas, may we ask the Holy Spirit to continue his saving work in our lives.  

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