Friday, June 30, 2017

Freedom to build stronger communities - Fortnight for Freedom - Sunday - July 2 2017

Religious institutions are a big part of the communities here in the United States, a big big part of what makes them prosperous and strong.  Our Church needs to have the freedom to contribute to society and to build up a stronger community.  

From the USCCB website: 

Pray:  That the Church and all religious institutions would have the freedom to contribute to the flourishing of our society.

Reflect: We hold our faith because it is true. At the same time, faith turns out to be good for society as a whole. When religious freedom is respected, religion itself flourishes, and society flourishes in turn. Recent research has even shown that religious institutions significantly boost the economy. Religious institutions employ many people, and their service to the poor helps to lift people out of poverty. As Catholics, we promote religious liberty so that we can have the space to serve and so that all have the freedom to seek the truth about God. When we work for religious freedom, we are working to promote the common good, the flourishing of all people in our country.

Act:  How have religious groups helped you, your family, and your neighbors? Consider starting a conversation with your friends and neighbors about all the good that people of faith have done in your community. 

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