Monday, November 25, 2013

11/25/2013 – Monday of 34th week in Ordinary Time - St Catherine of Alexandria – Luke 21:1-4

      We hear about the simple faith of a widow who places her two place coins in the collection basket. To the rich folk, it does not seem like much.  Yet, to Jesus, it is incredibly generous because it represents the entirety of what she has.  Others put in their surplus – she puts in her livelihood.
      The saint we celebrate today is Catherine of Alexandria.  She is perhaps not too well known to us, but she was one of the most popular saints for many centuries.  St Catherine is said to have been from Alexandria, Egypt, where she was born into a wealthy family.  A philosopher, Catherine was converted to Christianity through a vision.  Many of her converts were put to death during the reign of the Emperor Maxentius in the early 4th Century.  Maxentius put her into prison, but while he was away, she converted his wife and many of his soldiers, but he had them put to death as well.  In his fury, he tried to put her to death on a spiked wheel, but when that failed, he had her beheaded. 
    In life, we can be consumed by anger or jealousy, vengeance or greed. The Emperor Maxentius wanted to eliminate Catherine at all costs.  He was blinded by emotions that consumed his life.  Catherine of Alexander and the poor widow in our Gospel today stand out to us as examples of faith who through their generosity, humility, and graciousness, serve God in the reality of their daily lives.  May their message and their example speak to us today. 

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