Saturday, August 10, 2024

Prayers of the faithful - Solemnity of the Assumption - 15 August 2024

Introduction - At the end of her earthly life, the Blessed Virgin Mary, forever unstained by sin, was brought to heaven body and soul. Through Mary, God’s son was born. Our Blessed Mother was taken to heaven to be reunited with her beloved Son. Today, we celebrate Mary as a model of obedience and humility. She intercedes for us as Queen of Heaven. Mary stands ready to welcome us to eternal life in the presence of our Lord.

Penitential rite - Priest:

Lord Jesus - you are the Beloved Son of God the Father- Lord have mercy. Christ Jesus - you have done great things for us - Christ have mercy.

Lord Jesus - you were born of the Virgin Mary - Lord have mercy.

Prayers of the faithful:

Priest: Mary intercedes for us at her son’s right hand. Let us join our prayers with Mary’s prayers, as she is our greatest model of faith:

1. That Mary’s acceptance of God’s will may be a model for us as we accept the challenges of living out our faith each day. We pray to the Lord. 2. For our world leaders and local governmental leaders, that through their leadership we may lift up the lowly, fill the hungry with good things, and extend love and mercy to those in need. We pray to the Lord.

3. For all mothers and expectant mothers, that they may look to Mary as an example of devotion and strength as they live out their vocation as mothers. We pray to the Lord.

4. For all doctors, nurses, and medical professional. May their bring healing and wholeness to their patients. We pray to the Lord.

5. For our parish community, that we may be a living, serving model of faith, bringing the Gospel message to others. We pray to the Lord.

6. For healing for the sick. For the faithful departed, for their entry into eternal life. We pray to the Lord.

7. For the prayers we hold in the silence of our hearts. For all our prayer intentions spoken and unspoken. We pray to the Lord.

Priest: God of love and salvation, Mary’s acceptance of your will allowed the promises you made to your people be fulfilled through your son. May Mary be a model for us as we present these prayers to you through your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever. AMEN.

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