Sunday, August 4, 2024

Prayers of the faithful - 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time - 11 August 2024 - prison ministry

Introduction: In our Mass today, we hear about Elijah receiving a hearth cake from an angel on his journey when he is at the point of dying from hunger and thirst. This foreshadows the Bread of life that all of us receive in Jesus on our Christian journey of faith. May we be aware of how the Eucharist is always there to accompany us on our journey. 

Lord Jesus - you are the living bread that has come down from heaven - Lord have mercy.
Christ Jesus - you bring new life to your people - Christ have mercy. Lord Jesus - you are the way to eternal life - Lord have mercy. 

Priest: God sent nourishment to Elijah after he prayed in his hour of need. We trust that God will respond to our needs in our prayers that we present today: 

1. That the Church may provide food for all who hunger, drink for all who thirst, and nourishment for those who look to the bread of life to sustain them. We pray to the Lord.

2. That we may work together to eliminate hunger and poverty. We pray that all here at CMCF get adequate nourishment. We pray to the Lord. 

3. That those who are struggling on their journey through life may find the strength to endure and may find hope in the future. We pray to the Lord.

4. We pray for our children and family members who are starting the new school year. We pray that the Lord accompany them in their school activities and in their studies. We pray to the Lord. 

5. In the spirit of St Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, may we all be kind to one another, compassionate, and forgiving, living in love as Christ loves us. We pray to the Lord.

6. For the prayers we hold in the silence of our hearts. For all our prayer intentions spoken and unspoken. We pray to the Lord. 

Priest: Loving God, from generation to generation you have provided for our needs. Let us see your kindness in the way that you grant our prayers, through your son Jesus Christ, our Lord forever and ever. AMEN. 

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